"With a light wave of your hand, a virtual display screen appears in front of you. The images inside can be switched at will, and you can also make video calls ...
With the spread of the novel coronavirus, many schools and educational institutions have not only suspended classes, but also actively studied the possibility ...
In recent years, micro projectors have developed rapidly, but the ensuing fog trap has also become one of the reasons why many people dare not start. Once a ...
Over the last few years, you’ve probably heard a lot about STEM, but henceforth, you’re going to be hearing a lot more about STEAM learning. Yes, STEAM, you ...
Young children have great potential to be scientists and innovators. Born with an innate sense of wonder and a natural urge to understand the world around ...
It's a bit outdated to mention New Year's Eve movies in December. Can there be admission to the show during the Chinese New Year holidays? How many movies did ...
Nowadays in Hong Kong, STEM is not a new topic. Recently, more schools have put forward the concept of "STEM+". STEM+ emphasizes the integration of humanities ...
The Origin of STEM+ Educational Research and the Correction of Curriculum Deviation The author has been exploring the theme of STEM education for two years. ...
In recent years, the government has vigorously promoted STEM teaching, but many parents may not understand the difference between STEM teaching and traditional ...
When thinking about the curriculum expansion of this kind of STEM activities, the author thinks that there are two development directions, both of which start ...