Film and STEM Education

It’s a bit outdated to mention New Year’s Eve movies in December. Can there be admission to the show during the Chinese New Year holidays? How many movies did you watch? Beginning in the 1980s, in order to meet the social situation where there were not enough leisure programs at that time, New Year films suddenly emerged as a feature of Hong Kong’s New Year.

Film and STEM

In recent years, STEM education has become a local darling. In fact, the emergence of the film industry and its development into a super industry is a good example of STEM. Any area where a large number of films are produced can earn huge economic benefits, and film practitioners have considerable tangible returns.

The film was originally a product transformed from photography, in which a lot of basic knowledge of physics and chemistry was used. From photos to animation, black and white movies to color production, film transitions to electronic computer production, silent films without sound effects to sound films, and then stereoscopic films, etc., each transition is a technological breakthrough. Basically these were completed in the first half of the last century.

In the first three episodes of “Star Wars”, in addition to adopting science fiction stories as the theme, the most breakthrough in her production was the use of new sound effects technology. This technology also allowed the production company to get a lot of money in return and support future film investments. Moreover, it has led to a competition in the development of sound technology. The Star Wars series started shooting prequel after many years. At that time, the producer and director explained that the emergence of new computer technology gave them the ability to shoot scene designs that they couldn’t handle at the beginning. This example just shows that even if the development of movies has reached a very high level, the continuous improvement of the quality of watching movies still depends on the creation of new technologies.

Another example is another film development direction after stepping into the new century. It uses motion capture technology and integrates green screen shooting, together with the use of CGI computer imaging technology; as a result, audiences can enjoy unprecedented visual images and environmental sound effects. These new technologies have pushed the film to a new level; of course, for those who invest in filming, it is an opportunity to create wealth and a large number of jobs.

A cursory review is enough to let us know that science and technology have brought great improvements to human life in terms of application, and innovation vision is essential in the application process. The role of STEM education is to support basic cognition and development.

Watch the show and talk about STEM education

Local movies don’t have the huge capital of Hollywood to develop new technology for filming, but film practitioners have creative ideas that are unbelievable. The wave of New Year’s films back then relied on conceptual innovation. For example, there was a New Year’s Eve film series “Best Partner” in the 1970s that used robots as a selling point; everyone knew that it was fake, but it left memories that have not been forgotten for decades. Today many schools are disrupting STEM, and robots still occupy a significant position.

The images captured by the movie lens are full of STEM education when you look at it seriously. The process of hunting down the protagonist in “Integrity: The Smoke Screen” includes collecting CCTV videos, looking through telecom records, transferring black money through the Internet, bitcoin trading and financial skills in the dialogue, all of which are STEM in reality! If a teacher discusses with students after watching the film, they may have a strong motivation to learn about STEM knowledge in the classroom. The same is true for New Year films that do not deliberately advertise the elements of science and technology, which always involve or come into contact with the subject of science and technology; in the “Beads Like Treasures” play, there is an old man who is good at stirring machinery and technology, and the last scene is borrowed from Western movies. The high-tech explosion scenes I have seen. These bridges just show that technology has been integrated into society. Talking about technology is like using technology, and even using technology to stir up laughter. Technology is a part of life. Movies reflect reality, so movies must have the shadow of technology.

STEM education emphasizes the use of knowledge, the creation of technology, and the transformation of new technologies. The ability to innovate is a necessary ingredient. The most important thing in the film industry is innovation. It is logical to use films to promote STEM.

The future view of the movie world

I have always believed that science fiction movies are a good tool to motivate the learning of mathematical sciences, and the same is true for STEM education. Who knows which links in science fiction films will become reality in the future? The future shown in science fiction movies is actually worth quoting and discussing in class.

I don’t know what the main point of the original story of “Bunker Dream: Battle Angel” is, but the future world that I see in the place is gloomy, and I immediately think of environmental protection issues. The city of Salin hanging in the air is more likely to be controlled by a computer. Can you think of the hot AI development in recent years, or its consequences? Today’s development leads to the future, which is a good theme for general education activities.

Huang Dongbai

Principal of Xinhui Chamber of Commerce Middle School. He is currently the Vice Chairman of the Tuen Mun District School Principals Association, a member of the Tuen Mun District Northwest District and a member of the Tuen Mun District Youth Activities Committee. Graduated from Macau Pui Ching Middle School and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Bachelor of Science (Major in Physics), Master of Philosophy and Master of Education. The subjects of the bishop include physics, science, general education with high supplementary level, etc. Co-opted executive committee member of the Education Council and convener of the column “Educational Review”; he is the founding member of the Educational Council and the first to fourth executive members, past secretaries and publishing positions, and the editor of the Educational Council’s publication “Education Field” Committee members. Served as a member of the Advisory and Management Committee of the Teachers Center, and also participated in the work of the Hong Kong Teachers Center Publishing Group. In recent years, he has participated in the editorial work of “Education Heart Banquet”, “Education Concentric Action” and “Education Concentric Path”. Over the years, he has paid attention to topics such as curriculum development, school management and improvement, student growth and education reform. In the past 30 years, he has often published articles on local education, policies, and curriculum reforms in newspapers. In 2003, he participated in the “Outstanding Teacher Election” and was awarded the Merit Award. In 2011, he was awarded the Haihua Teacher Award. Served as the regional liaison officer for the school-based assessment of Physics of the HKEAA, and published textbooks and reference books on physics for the Certificate of Education Examination.

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